I don't know where the last two weeks went! Elizabeth's graduation was one of the best I've attended--even better than my own! I was impressed with the maturity of the class. One girl had even been married the week before, and her husband had left for Iraq. Elizabeth, hands down, gave the best speech (I would say this even if she wasn't my sister). When giving her plans for the future, she shared that while she might be pursuing interior design, her hope is to be a wife and mother and follow in her mother's footsteps. Our mom has undoubtedly been the biggest influence in our lives. Through me and my sisters, she will have a lasting impact for generations to come! So many people came up afterwards to thank Elizabeth for sharing something so countercultural.
Now the last one of us has graduated from high school. While it's kind of sad, we're all excited about what God has in plan for our future! Here is an assortment of pictures from the evening. Thanks everyone for coming and making her night special!

Katherine Dang, one of America's foremost historians, gave an awesome speech. I wish I had a tape of it!

The graduates walked out to one of the classmates playing the bagpipes.

It's hard work graduating!

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