I'm a last minute packer. Throughout the week before a trip, I'll collect things in piles to take, but the suitcase won't come out until the night before I leave. Clothes are then pulled fresh from the dryer, and hastily tucked away. The carry on pile grows until I need four arms to carry it all. Yet with this method, or despite it, I rarely forget something important.
The only thing that regularly gets left behind is my toothbrush. It's one of those things I can't pack until the last second because I want to use it in the morning before I leave. Like I said before, tooth brushing is a mindless activity. So once the teeth are pearly white, the hand automatically drops it back in its holder, to be left behind once again. Thank goodness for a Walmart in almost every city to save everyone around me from morning breath!
So here I am, putting off packing by blogging. It's the night before I leave. The suitcase is open on the bed. The piles are surrounding me. I can hear the washer in the background furiously churning to clean my clothes in time. Tomorrow I jump on a plane headed to my-not-so-favorite city to attend the WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International) convention. It'll be huge; it'll be overwhelming, but I'm excited! After hearing about it for years, I'm ready to go and participate! Only 8 hours left until I have to leave for the airport. And so the countdown and packing begins!
Whole wheat chocolate chip cookies I made for the trip!

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Are your cookies made with sour cream??? Don't leave them behind this time! Haha! Is it just you going?
Nope, no sour cream. I had eggs this time. ;-) Both my mom and I are going along with another Grass Valley photographer.
nice post. thanks.
You are so so lucky to be going! Have a WONDERFUL time. :) Looking forward to hearing about it on your next blog entry!
So jealous you get to go to WPPI. Maybe someday I will get the chance to go... those cookies look delish :)
Those cookies look yummy! I love having fresh baked cookies when we are traveling... Have fun!
They are yummy! Just sad they were gone so fast...
wwwooooohhhoooooo! how exciting hopefully ill get to go someday! let us know how it goes!
so great to meet YOU!!! LOVE your style! So crisp and clear!
mmm yummy cookies!!!!! i'm going to have to steal this recipe. maybe i'll make them tonight!!! ;)
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